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You might be able to find an answer in our FAQย page.

For any other questions please fill out the form below and we'll respond to your query as soon as possible.

Equality & Accessibility Policy



Credit Strategy welcomes all people with disabilities.

We are dedicated to continually improving our efforts to ensure attendees have access to all Credit Week activities regardless of ability.




Mobility Disabilities

We encourage patrons with mobility disabilities to utilise personal forms of transportation, including wheelchairs and scooters. Crutches, walkers and canes are also permitted.ย The venue is fully accessible.



Accessible Parking

A separate Accessibility Parking lot will be available for attendees with a valid Disabled Person Parking placard, permit or license plate, as well as the applicable proof that it belongs to them.

Accessible Parking is free and does not require a parking pass.



Hotel Shuttles

Accessible shuttles are available for guests with disabilities traveling from the golf clubs and designated resort hotels to the venue.

Accessibility guests are strongly encouraged to reach out toย ahead of time, to ensure the hotel is aware and able to assist.

If requesting in advance is not possible, guests with disabilities can request an accessible shuttle by speaking to the concierge at the Celtic Manor hotel.ย 



Effective Communication

Interpreters & Additional Services - Closed captioning, braille/large font print, guided tours, or other forms of effective communication can be available upon request.

Requests for these services must be emailed to us at least 30 days prior to the event to allow for sufficient preparation.

Toย submit a request, please email events@shardfinancialmedia.comย 



Dietary Requirements

Whilst Credit Strategy will cater for a range of dietary requirements, we do ask all guests to confirm their dietary requirements at least 3 weeks before the event.

Should you need to request a Kosher meal, please do so at least 30 days prior to the event to ensure the venue catering team can accommodate the request.

You can do so by uploading the details on your account, or by emailingยย 




Everyone is reminded that harassment is unlawful and will not be tolerated during our event.

Guests should report any concerns and complaints will be handledย sensitively and appropriate action will be taken where necessary.




We welcome and encourage any feedback and suggestions from our attendees.

Please email us at

We will do our best to help you have an unforgettable experience.ย 

Credit Strategy
PPA Independent Publisher Awards 2024

member of – an online news and information service for the UK’s commercial and consumer credit industry. is published by Shard Financial Media Limited, registered in England & Wales as 5481132, 1-2 Paris Garden, London, SE1 8ND. All rights reserved. Credit Strategy is committed to diversity in the workplace. @ Copyright Shard Media Group