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Alex Lewis announced as speaker at Vulnerability Summit 2022

We are delighted to announce that entrepreneur and activist Alex Lewis will be joining us at the Vulnerability Summit as a speaker

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At age 33, pub manager and dedicated father Alex Lewis woke up with what he thought was a cold. A matter of days later, he was told by doctors that he must have his arms and legs amputated to survive septicaemia. Four amputations later, his attitude and drive are stronger than ever.


Since then, he’s received ground-breaking facial-reconstruction surgery. He and his wife Lucy are running five businesses together, including a wine business. He’s a decorated public speaker, activist, and advocate for mental health and positivity.


Alex continues to break barriers by becoming the first quadruple amputee to kayak around the southern tip of Greenland and complete a three-hundred-and-twenty-mile expedition along the Orange River in South Africa. In 2019 he became the first quadruple amputee to hand cycle 15,000 feet up the highest mountain range in Ethiopia in a solar assisted four-wheeled vehicle designed by Engineering students at The University of Southampton.


The positivity that 38-year-old Alex has found since his life changing illness has been remarkable. Many would find it hard to believe, but he says that great things have come of it.  Alex says, “It’s made me think differently about being a father, a partner, a human being”.


An inspirational speaker, Alex delivers a talk he’s named ‘A Minor Setback’ regarding his story and the way he overcame his challenges and developed his positive and witty outlook on his condition.


Alex will join many other inspirational and talented speakers for our Vulnerability Summit on the 5th of October at The Brewery, London. Get your tickets here.

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