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Lending Awards 2022 shortlist announced 

Credit Strategy is thrilled to reveal the shortlist for the Lending Awards – supported by its partner Ohpen 

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The Lending Awards is the only programme distinguishing and rewarding individuals, teams, and businesses across the entire lending market - alternative lending, mortgage lending and commercial finance. 


Celebrating the diligent work that has supported customers and businesses throughout the last years widespread economic difficulties, the Lending Awards highlight and celebrate the incredible work that has taken place in support of SMEs, consumer credit customers and mortgage borrowers.  


The programme features awards for intermediaries, high street, and specialist lenders, alongside challengers and suppliers, and showcases exceptional talent across the mainstream and new entrants. 


The event will be complimented by the delightfully funny stand-up comedian Patrick Monahan, who will be serving as a host for the event. Patrick is a regular at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. He also holds the world record for the longest hug of all time, lasting 25 hours and 25 minutes. 


The Lending Awards will follow the Lending Summit on 1 November, which will provide a progressive agenda covering all three markets, with panels featuring commercial, mortgage and alternative lenders together, at a time they face shared challenges. The events will be held at the Hilton Bankside hotel in London.  


You can find more information regarding the shortlist here.


If you’re interested in attending either of these events, get in touch with a member of our commercial team at 

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