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Scams offering to “write off debts” targeting consumers

The Financial Conduct Authority has said it believes there are firms offering unauthorised claims management services to people in the UK.

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These firms offer to “write off” debts - mainly mortgages - and get compensation for consumers from their lenders. This might include reclaiming past payments of capital and interest. 

These businesses often charge a fee to do this and might add fees even when the scheme fails. This, in turn, can lead to significant losses for those involved. 

As part of this, the firms may try and convince individuals by pointing to ideas such as “Strawman”, “Freeman of the Land” and “Sovereign Citizen” - all of which promote the belief the government and laws of a country have no powers over people. Fraudsters use these to appeal to people facing financial difficulties who may be looking for a way out of their debt. 

Almost all firms and individuals offering, promoting or selling claims management services in the UK must be authorised or registered by the FCA, with the companies offering the services highlighted above are unlikely to be authorised and are targeting people in the UK.

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